
Product Description

WAX is transparent water-based paste wax for the protection of specific synthetic and Venetian plaster with lime. Application produces a higher gloss polished stucco which provide the wash ability and water resistance also it gives a greater uniformity of final color. It is non-toxicVOC (<80) L/A 200g/l (2010).


Applydirectlyonthevenation plaster, concrete finish with stainlesssteelspatulaandpolishedwithastainlesssteelspatula,with averylowthickness leave to absorb and dryatleast 2hoursproceed to final leveling alwayswith a stainlesssteelspatula. For further treatment the surface must be clean and completely dry; ideal temperature for application 15-25°C. Apply thinly and evenly with a woolen or cotton cloth

Features and Benefits

  • Specific weight: 0,962 kg/lit +/- 1%
  • Viscosity: Thixotropic paste
  • Drying: touch dry after 2 hours at 20°, completely dry 24 hours at 20°
  • Application temperature: between 5°C and 30°C