Product Description
Pool Render is a cementitious, ready-mixed waterproof repairing and sealing
mortar. It consists of rapid setting Portland cement, specially treated quartz sandand
acompoundofactivechemicalswhichresistpositiveor negative side water
Pool Render containsactivewaterproofingchemicalswhichreactwith moisture
and free lime in themortar andconcrete, creating insoluble crystalline
complexes. These crystalline complexes, similar to a gel which grows in the
presence ofwater,block the capillaries ofthePool Render and minor shrinkage
cracks, thus preventing water ingress. Chemical activationbeginswhenthePool
Render powderismixedwithwaterand may takeseveraldays to completelyblock
thecapillariesdependingon ambienttemperatureandenvironmental
conditions.Thewaterproofing chemicals remain active for the life of the structure,
permanently sealing it from water penetration.